X20 Console Reference Manual
Part Number W106
Rev. 1.5
© Copyright Topcon Precision Agriculture
October, 2007
All contents in this manual are copyrighted by Topcon. All rights
reserved. The information contained herein may not be used, accessed,
copied, stored, displayed, sold, modified, published or distributed, or
otherwise reproduced without express written consent from Topcon.
X20 Console Manual
Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................ 1-1
Terms & Conditions .................................................................... 1-2
Manual Conventions ................................................................... 1-8
Chapter 2
Introduction.................................................................... 2-1
X20 Console Features ................................................................. 2-2
Screen...................................................................................... 2-3
Audio....................................................................................... 2-3
Keyboard & Mouse................................................................. 2-3
Pen Stylus................................................................................ 2-4
Console Overview: Front ............................................................ 2-4
Touch Screen........................................................................... 2-4
Operating System.................................................................... 2-5
Status LED’s ........................................................................... 2-5
X20 Logo ................................................................................ 2-5
Console Overview: Side.............................................................. 2-6
X20 Console Housing............................................................. 2-6
USB Ports................................................................................ 2-7
Console Overview: Rear ............................................................. 2-7
Power Button........................................................................... 2-8
Reset Button............................................................................ 2-8
Power Connector..................................................................... 2-8
RAM® Mount......................................................................... 2-8
Heat Sink Fins......................................................................... 2-8
Internal Speaker ...................................................................... 2-9
Rear External Ports ..................................................................... 2-9
Communication Ports (COM Ports)........................................ 2-9
USB Ports.............................................................................. 2-10
CAN Bus Port ....................................................................... 2-10
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
PS2 Mouse Port..................................................................... 2-10
PS2 Keyboard ....................................................................... 2-10
Audio Port..............................................................................2-11
LAN Port................................................................................2-11
VGA Port................................................................................2-11
Chapter 3
Unpacking the X20 Box................................................. 3-1
Contents of the X20 Kit .............................................................. 3-1
Mounting Kit Supplied for the X20 Console.............................. 3-2
Chapter 4
Installing the X20 Console............................................ 4-1
Positioning the X20 Console....................................................... 4-2
Options for Mounting the X20 Console...................................... 4-2
Option 1................................................................................... 4-2
Option 2................................................................................... 4-3
How to Use the RAM® Mounts ............................................. 4-3
Schematic Layout of the X20 Power Harness............................. 4-4
Fitting the X20 Power Harness ................................................... 4-4
2 Pin WeatherPack Plug .............................................................. 4-5
Connecting the Power Connector................................................ 4-6
Chapter 5
X20 Power Management System.................................. 5-1
Understanding the X20 Power Management System.................. 5-1
Status LED’s................................................................................ 5-2
Left LED ................................................................................. 5-2
Right LED............................................................................... 5-2
Conditions in which the X20 Console Will Start........................ 5-2
Conditions in which the X20 Console Will NOT Start............... 5-3
Understanding the Red Colored LED ......................................... 5-4
External Supply Status............................................................ 5-4
Internal Battery Status............................................................. 5-5
LED’s and Charging the Battery............................................. 5-6
X20 Console Manual
Internal Battery Charging Restrictions........................................ 5-6
X20 Power Management Status LED’s....................................... 5-7
Monitoring the X20 Console, when Switched OFF.................... 5-9
Monitoring the X20 Console, when Switched ON ..................... 5-9
Chapter 6
Switching the X20 Console ON.................................... 6-1
Turning the Power ON ................................................................ 6-1
If the X20 Console Will NOT Startup......................................... 6-2
Chapter 7
Windows Desktop.......................................................... 7-1
Task Bar .................................................................................. 7-1
Start Button ............................................................................. 7-1
System Tray............................................................................. 7-2
X20 Manager........................................................................... 7-2
Accessing X20 Manager from the System Tray ................. 7-2
Chapter 8
X20 Manager .................................................................. 8-1
Accessing X20 Manager Using the X20 Logo ........................... 8-1
X20 Manager Window ................................................................ 8-2
Adjust Screen Brightness........................................................ 8-3
Adjust Audio Volume.............................................................. 8-4
Power/Battery Status............................................................... 8-4
Auto Shutdown Delay............................................................. 8-5
Procedure of Auto Shutdown.................................................. 8-6
Procedure of Auto Shutdown, when ‘Disabled’...................... 8-7
Shutdown Button..................................................................... 8-8
X20 Logo Pressed................................................................... 8-8
Hide Button............................................................................. 8-9
Chapter 9
Touch Screen Calibration ............................................. 9-1
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Chapter 10
Switching the X20 Console OFF ................................ 10-1
The ATX Shutdown Process ................................................. 10-1
Chapter 11
X20 Accessories...........................................................11-1
External Speaker ........................................................................11-1
Connecting the External Speaker...........................................11-1
GPS Hook-Up Cable..................................................................11-2
240 Volt Adapter.........................................................................11-2
Chapter 12
Transferring Data......................................................... 12-1
USB Ports.................................................................................. 12-1
Chapter 13
Looking After the X20 Console .................................. 13-1
Operating the X20 Console....................................................... 13-1
Cleaning the Touch Screen........................................................ 13-2
Touch Screen Use...................................................................... 13-2
Storing the X20 Console ........................................................... 13-3
Chapter 14
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery Characteristics........... 14-1
Advantages of Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries........................ 14-3
Disadvantages of Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries ................... 14-4
The X20 Console....................................................................... 14-5
Chapter 15
X20 Console Specifications........................................ 15-1
System Software........................................................................ 15-1
Processing ................................................................................. 15-1
Display and Touch Screen......................................................... 15-1
Interfaces................................................................................... 15-2
Power......................................................................................... 15-2
Audio......................................................................................... 15-2
X20 Console Manual
Dimensions................................................................................ 15-2
Environmental........................................................................... 15-2
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
This manual has been developed to provide you with information
necessary to operate and maintain this Topcon Precision Agriculture
(TPA) product. Proper service and use is important for the safe and
reliable operation of the product. The sections provided in this manual
include information necessary for the safe and correct operation, care,
and troubleshooting of this product. The benefits this product provides
can be greatly influenced by your knowledge of the products described
in this manual.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.
Terms and Conditions
APPLICATION - You accept these Terms and Conditions by
purchasing the product from Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA)
or from one TPA’s product dealers.
COPYRIGHT - All information contained in this manual is the
intellectual property of, and copyrighted material of TPA. All
rights are reserved. You may not use, access, copy, store, display,
create derivative works of, sell, modify, publish, distribute, or al-
low any third parties access to, any graphics, content, information
or data in this manual without TPA’s express written consent and
may only use such information for the care and operation of your
product. The information and data in this manual are a valuable
asset of TPA and are developed by the expenditure of consider-
able work, time and money, and are the result or original
selection, coordination and arrangement by TPA.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
nologies, Topcon, Topcon Positioning Systems and Topcon Preci-
sion Agriculture are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
Topcon Group of companies. Microsoft and Windows are trade-
marks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other
countries of Microsoft Corporation. Product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
WEBSITE and OTHER STATEMENTS - No statement con-
tained at the website of TPA or any other Topcon Group company
or in any other advertisements or TPA literature or made by an
employee or independent contractor of TPA modifies these Terms
and Conditions (Including the software licence, warranty and
limitation of liability).
IMPORTANT: SAFETY - Improper use of the product can lead
to death or injury to persons, damage to property and/or mal-
function of the product. The product should only be repaired by
authorized TPA service centres. You should closely review the
safety warnings and directions as to the proper use of the product
in this manual and at all times comply with the same.
Limited Warranty
warrants that the electronic components manufactured by TPA
shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of one year from the original date of shipment to the dealer. TPA
warrants that all valves, hoses, cables and mechanical parts
manufactured by TPA shall be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of sale.
RETuRN and REPAIR - During the respective warranty peri-
ods, any of the above items found defective may be shipped to
TPA for repair. TPA will promptly repair the defective item at no
charge, and ship it back to you. You must pay the shipping and
X20 Console Manual
handling charges in respect of the same. Calibration or compo-
nents, labour and travel expenses incurred for in-field removal
and replacement of components are not covered in this warranty
policy. Damage to components due to negligence, abuse or im-
proper use, maintenance, modification or repair is NOT covered
under this warranty.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER - Other than for the above war-
ranties or warranties in an appendix or a warranty card accompa-
nying the product, this manual and the product are provided ‘as
is’. There are no other warranties and to the extent allowed by
law TPA excludes all implied terms, conditions and warranties
in respect of the manual and the product (including any implied
warranty or merchantability or fitness for any particular use or
LIABILITY LIMIT and INDEMNITY - TPA and its dealers,
agents and representatives shall not be liable for technical or edi-
torial errors or omissions contained herein or for special, indirect,
economic, incidental or consequential damages resulting from
the furnishing, performance or use of this material or the product
(including where TPA has been advised of the possibility of such
damage). Such disclaimed damages include but are not limited to
loss of time, loss or destruction of data, loss of profit, savings or
revenue or loss of or damage to the product. In addition, TPA is
not responsible or liable for damages or costs incurred in con-
nection with obtaining substitute products or software, claims by
others, inconvenience, or any other costs.
In any event, TPA’s liability to you or any other person for any
claim, loss or damage (in contract, tort or on any other basis) will
be limited (in TPA’s option) to either (a) the replacement or repair
of the product, or (b) payment of the cost of replacing or repair-
ing the product. You indemnify and hold TPA harmless against
any claim, action, damage, loss, liability or cost (including legal
fees) which TPA incurs arising from (a) your operation, use and/
or maintenance of the product other that in accordance with the
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
terms set out in this manual, or (b) your negligence or wrongful
act or omission in respect of the product.
These Terms and Conditions may be amended, modified, super-
seded or cancelled, at any time by TPA. These Terms and Condi-
tions will be governed by, and construed in accordance with:
- the laws of South Australia if the product is sold and supplied
to you in Australia (in which case the courts of South Australia or
the Federal Court of Australia (Adelaide Registry) have exclusive
jurisdiction in respect of any claim or dispute); or
- the laws of the State of California if the product is sold and sup-
plied to you outside of Australia.
All information, illustrations, and applications contained herein
are based on the latest available information at the time of pub-
lication. TPA reserves the right to make product changes at any
time without notice.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions would be unenforce-
able, the provision must be read down to the extent necessary
to avoid that result, and if the provision cannot be read down to
that extent, it must be severed without affecting the validity and
enforceability of the remainder of these Terms and Conditions.
Comments, suggestions, and questions about TPA products are
welcomed. Contact your local TPA representative or a represent-
ative at our corporate facility.
Topcon Precision Agriculture
14 Park Way
Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300
Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
X20 Console Manual
Service Information
Service assistance can be provided by contacting your local TPA
Authorised Dealer or by calling the Topcon Precision Agriculture
Service Centre.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300
+61 8 8203 3399
8.30am to 5pm (Adelaide Local Time), Monday through Friday.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Communications Regulation Information
FCC Compliance Statement (uSA)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class ‘A’ digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op-
eration of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harm-
ful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at their own expense.
FCC Compliance Statement (Canada)
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulation.
CE EMC Statement (European Community)
Warning: This is a class ‘A’ product. In a domestic environment this
product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.
‘C’ Tick EMC Statement (Australia & New Zealand)
Certification No. N12317. This product meets the applicable require-
ments of the Australia and New Zealand EMC Framework.
X20 Console Manual
Radio & Television Interference
This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-fre-
quency energy. If it is not installed and used correctly – that is, in strict
accordance with TOPCON Precision Agriculture instructions – it may
cause interference with radio communication.
You can determine whether your computer system is causing interfer-
ence by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused
by the computer or one of the peripheral electronic devices.
If your computer system does cause interference to a radio or other
electronic device, try to correct the interference by using one or more of
the following measures:
Turn the radio antenna until the interference stops.
Move the computer to either side of the radio or other
electronic device.
Move the computer farther away from the radio or other
electronic device.
Connect the computer to a different circuit to the radio or other
electronic device.
If necessary contact your nearest TOPCON Precision Agriculture dealer
for assistance.
Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by
TOPCON Precision Agriculture could void the EMC compliance and
negate your authority to operate the product.
This product was tested for EMC compliance under conditions that
included the use of TOPCON Precision Agriculture peripheral devices
& TOPCON Precision Agriculture shielded cables and connectors be-
tween system components.
It is important that you use TOPCON Precision Agriculture peripheral
devices between system components to reduce the possibility of caus-
ing interference to radios and other electronic devices.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Manual Conventions
This Manual uses the following conventions:
Click/tap/press the File menu, then click/tap/press Exit.
Click/tap/press the button or key labelled Enter.
Supplementary information that can help you configure,
maintain, or set up a system.
Supplementary information that can have an effect on
system operation, system performance, measurements
& personal safety.
Notification that an action has the potential to
adversely effect system operation, system
performance, data integrity, or personal health.
Notification that an action will result in systems
damage, loss of data, loss of warranty, or personal
X20 Console Manual
The X20 console is a powerful computer which can be adapted into a
number of mobile applications from agriculture, mining and
In today’s changing world the need for advanced application
technologies and efficiency of in-cab control with multiple functions as
well as ease of use is important.
The X20 console from Topcon Precision Agriculture is a powerful
solution to meet the most demanding situations.
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X20 Console Manual
X20 Console Features
• Windows® XP PRO SP2 is the X20’s operating system
• Built in protection against vehicles start up
• Intelligent Power Management supply. Status LED's displays
status of the External Supply and Internal Battery, see Chapter 5
• ATX power ON/OFF – Power Button needs to be pressed for 2-3
seconds to power up
When shutting down the console, the console automatically powers
down and switches the console OFF
• Processor speed 1Ghz
• 2GB Industrial Flashcard
• 512 MB RAM
• Faster performance when running multiple applications (Improved
• The X20 console logo activates the X20 Manager to allow the
operator to adjust the screen brightness, adjust the audio
volume, displays the internal battery and external supply status,
see Chapter 8.
X20 Console Manual
When the X20 console is running, and the X20 logo is pressed for
5 seconds the X20 Manager window is displayed. This allows the
operator to adjust the brightness of the screen, adjust the volume
control and check the battery status, see Chapter 7 and 8.
8.4" LCD high contrast TFT, Backlit, 800x600 resolution. This
screen has a very high contrast allowing clear visibility outdoors.
Yet it can be dimmed for night work.
The screen has a touch panel fitted with a glass backing, which
will break if impacted heavily. The touch panel is very durable and
should be wiped clean regularly when the X20 console is off.
The calibration of the touch panel should never change, in normal
operating temperatures. However, if the X20 console is operated
in extreme temperatures, this calibration may change. Adjust
calibration using calibration software and stylus, see Chapter 9.
The X20 console has a speaker built in for audible and voice
alarms. The operating volume of the X20 is adjusted using a
volume control. To adjust the volume see page 8-4.
An audio plug (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) is supplied at the rear
of the console for the fitment of the external speaker which is
supplied with the X20 console kit.
Keyboard & Mouse
A USB mouse and keyboard are supplied. The USB mouse and
keyboard can plug into one of four USB ports on the X20 console.
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X20 Console Manual
Pen Stylus
A pen stylus is supplied to select objects and areas on the touch
screen, instead of using your finger.
The pen stylus comes with a holder with double sided tape to
mount in the vehicle or on the housing of the X20 console.
Console Overview: Front
Touch Screen
X20 Logo
Status LED's
Figure 2-1. Front of the X20 Console
Touch Screen
The touch screen (Figure 2-1) is an 8.4” TFT Active Matrix
color screen. The screen is Super Bright SVGA LCD display
with brightness control. The software allows full range of digital
dimming to suit all light conditions.
X20 Console Manual
Operating System
The operating system (Figure 2-1 on page 2-4) running on the X20
console is Microsoft Windows® XP PRO SP2 (Service Pack 2).
This allows for full software compatibility.
Status LED’s
The Status LED’s (Figure 2-1 on page 2-4) display the status of
the internal battery and external power supply. By displaying red,
orange or green colored LED's.
• Left Status LED- Indicates the status of the external power
• Right Status LED- Indicates the status of the internal battery.
X20 Logo
When the X20 logo (Figure 2-1 on page 2-4) is pressed for 5
seconds, while the X20 console is running, the X20 Manager
window will be displayed. Your X20 logo may be different. This
will allow the operator to:
• Adjust the screen brightness
• Adjust the volume control of internal or external speakers
• Check the status of the external power supply
• Check the status of the internal battery
• Change the auto-shutdown delay and enable auto-shutdown
• Check the status of the Topcon logo and test the audio volume
• Allow the X20 console to be shutdown from this window.
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X20 Console Manual
Console Overview: Side
X20 Console Housing
USB Ports
Figure 2-2. Side of the X20 Console
X20 Console Housing
The X20 console housing (Figure 2-2) is made of exceptional
impact strength and has high heat resistance.
The X20 console is splash proof.
The X20 console uses a powerful yet low power consumption
processor for fanless operation.
X20 Console Manual
USB Ports
On the left side of the X20 console there are 2 USB 2.0 ports
(Figure 2-2 on page 2-6). These may be used to connect USB
devices such as USB Thumbdrives, USB Mouse, USB Keyboard or
USB Printers.
Console Overview: Rear
The X20 console has a number of ports on the back available for
connection to different equipment (Figure 2-3).
Adjustable ball type
RAM® Mount
Heat Sink
Fins to
remove heat
from the
3 Pin
for Audio
and Alarms
Rear External Ports
Reset Button
Figure 2-3. Rear of the X20 Console
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X20 Console Manual
Power Button
The Power button (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) has to be pressed for 3
seconds to start the X20 console up.
The X20 will not start unless there is a satisfactory external power
supply and the internal battery has sufficient charge, see Chapter 5.
Reset Button
Pressing the Reset button should be avoided, as
no data is saved and Windows® does not do an
orderly shutdown when ‘Reset’ is performed.
The Reset button (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) allows the X20 to be
reset in the event the X20 console could not be shutdown normally.
Power Connector
The Bayonet Power Connector (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) is where
the X20 Power Harness connects to the X20 console providing
10.8-18.0 Volt supply.
RAM® Mount
The RAM® Mount (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) provides an adjustable
ball type, which allows for optimum positioning.
Heat Sink Fins
The external Heat Sink Fins (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7) exchange the
heat from inside the console to the outside environment, therefore
keeping the console within operating temperature, without the use
of fans.
X20 Console Manual
Internal speaker
The X20 console has an internal speaker (Figure 2-3 on page 2-7)
built for audible and voice alarms.
Rear External Ports
PS2 Mouse
LAN Port
CAN Bus Port
(1, 2, 3 and 4)
PS2 Keyboard
VGA Port
External Audio
Figure 2-4. Rear External Ports
Communications Ports (Com Port)
There are 4 Communication Ports (COM1, COM2, COM3 and
COM4) (Figure 2-4). These are used to connect various serial
devices to the X20 console, such as DGPS receivers.
The COM (1 to 4) Ports are configured for RS232
communications; COM 2 can be configured for either RS232 or
RS485 communications. To be configured for RS485 the X20
console would have to be returned to Topcon Precision Agriculture.
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X20 Console Manual
USB Ports
On the rear of the X20 console there are 2 USB 2.0 ports (Figure
2-4 on page 2-9). These may be used to connect USB devices
such as USB Thumbdrives, USB Mouse, USB Keyboard or USB
CAN Bus Port
CAN Bus (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) is a communications protocol
similar to RS232 and RS485.
CAN Bus is rapidly becoming a world standard in the automotive
and agricultural industries.
PS2 Mouse Port
The PS2 Mouse Port (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) allows a PS2 style
mouse to be connected to this port.
PS2 Keyboard Port
The PS2 Keyboard Port (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) allows a PS2
style keyboard to be connected to this port.
X20 Console Manual
Audio Port
The Audio Port (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) allows the connection of
an external speaker (supplied). This allows the external speaker
to be located near the operator when the X20 console is placed in
noisy environments.
The audio volume for the external speaker can be controlled, using
the X20 Manager software, see page 8-4.
LAN Port
The LAN Port (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) has a 10/100 Base T
Ethernet port for external communication lines.
VGA Port
The VGA Port (Figure 2-4 on page 2-9) connects to an optional
external monitor or screen for any external screen requirements.
The VGA device should be connected to this VGA
Port before the X20 console is switched on.
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X20 Console Manual
Unpacking the X20 Box
Contents of the X20 Kit
Below is a list of the commonly supplied parts in an X20 console kit.
Depending on the X20 console kit you received, some of the items
listed below may not be included in your kit.
Part Number
X20 Console
Stylus Kit
X20 Office PC CD
Windows XP Pro
RAM Mount Arm
RAM Mount Base
RAM Mount Rail Adaptor
X20 Speaker Out Audio Harness
USB Thumbdrive
Warranty Forms
X20 Console manual
X20 Guidance Manual
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Part Number
USB Keyboard
USB Mouse
Mounting Kit Supplied for the X20 Console
1 x Large RAM® Mount (approx. 14 cm in length)
2 x 1.5” RAM® Base.
Please note: One 1.5” RAM® Base is already fitted to
the X20 console.
1 x RAM® Rail Mount Kit (to suit 3/4” to 1” rail).
Please note: The picture illustrates the RAM® Rail
Mount Kit fitted to the 1.5” RAM® Base.
You should use a combination of this equipment, in
order to best suit your vehicle.
X20 Console Manual
Installing the X20
1.5” RAM® Base
Attached to X20
Large RAM® Mount
(shown) OR
Small RAM® Mount
could be used.
1.5” RAM® Base
Attached the RAM® Base to a metal base
OR RAM® Rail Mount Kit.
Figure 4-1. RAM® Bases/Mount
Please note: The X20 console comes supplied with the 1.5” RAM®
Base already fitted to the the X20 console.
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X20 Console Manual
Positioning the X20 Console
1. The X20 console should be mounted in a position where minimal
direct sunlight is directed onto the screen, generally elevated in
the cab and tilting down
2. The X20 console should be mounted so the heat sink is not
exposed to direct sunlight
3. The X20 console should be mounted as far from the window as
possible; the X20 console requires adequate ventilation around
the console, this allows sufficient air-flow over the heat sink
4. Allow a clearance of at least 25mm (1”) around the X20 console
5. Fit the supplied RAM® mounting bracket securely to any metal
base, preferably in your vision whilst the vehicle is moving
Options for Mounting the X20 Console
Option 1: Mounting the X20 console using the
1.5” RAM® Base
1. Securely screw the 1.5” RAM® Base to a flat metal surface.
Please note: The screws to mount the RAM® Base are not provided
in the kit.
X20 Console Manual
Option 2: Mounting the X20 Console Using the
RAM® Rail Mount
• The RAM® Rail Mount provided fits rails between 3/4” to 1” in
1. Wrap the correct length of rubber strip around the rail
where the base will be attached
2. Assemble the 1.5” RAM® Base with the RAM® Rail
Mount using the 3 screws and nuts provided.
It may be necessary to drill a 5/32” hole through
the RAM® Rail Mount Kit and rail using the screw
provided in the kit.
This will prevent the the RAM® Base from slipping.
How to Use the RAM® Mounts
1. The RAM® Mounts are loosened by unscrewing the knob in
an anti-clockwise direction.
2. Once loosened, place the RAM® mount onto the RAM® Base
on the X20 console, then place the other end of the RAM®
Mount on the RAM® Base attached to the vehicle
3. Once the RAM® Mount is on both RAM® Bases then loosely
turn the knob in a clockwise direction
4. Tighten the knob just enough so the X20 console can be
positioned and angled correctly to suit the operator
5. Once the X20 console is in the desired position then tighten
the knob up so the X20 console is held in position securely.
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X20 Console Manual
Schematic Layout of the X20 Power Harness
X20 Power
Figure 4-2. Layout of the X20 Power Harness
Fitting the X20 Power Harness
The X20 Power Harness (Part No. A2400) (Figure 4-2)
should be connected directly to the battery or the
warranty will be void.
Cigarette lighter connections are not
X20 Console Manual
1. Check the voltage of the battery to which the X20 Power
Harness is being connected to
The battery must be between 11-18 volts. If in
doubt, check voltage with a multi-meter.
The multi-meter required will need to measure DC
voltage between 1-24 volts.
2. Connect the red wire of the X20 Power Harness to the positive
(+)12V terminal on the battery
3. Connect the black wire of the X20 Power Harness to the negative
(-)12V terminal on the battery
4. Connect the ‘Additional Earth’ connection (Figure 4-3 on page
4-6), which is located near the Bayonet Plug; and connect to one
of the screws holding the 1.5” RAM® Base to a metal base on the
2 Pin Weatherpack Plug
The ‘2 Pin Weatherpack’ plug on the X20 Power Harness, provides
switched 12 Volt battery power as an additional power outlet. This may
be used to power devices such as a DGPS system which is connected
to the X20 console.
The maximum current the device can draw is 3 Amps when connected
to the ‘2 Pin Weatherpack’ plug.
Switched Power means there is only battery Volts at the ‘2 Pin
Weatherpack’ when the X20 console is switched on.
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X20 Console Manual
Connecting the Power Connector
Once the X20 console has been installed in the vehicle and the X20
Power Harness has been fitted to the battery terminals:
1. Connect the Power Connector to the Bayonet Power plug on
the back of the X20 console (Figure 4-3 on page 4-6)
2. Line up the ‘notch’ (Figure 4-3 on page 4-6) on the
Power Connector (on the X20 Power Harness) with the notch
which is situated at twelve o’clock on the Bayonet Power plug
(Figure 4-3 on page 4-6) on the X20 console
3. Push the Power Connector ON holding the outer sleeve
(Figure 4-3 on page 4-6)
4. Once fully home, turn the outer sleeve clockwise until a
‘click’ is felt.
The Power Connector is now connected.
Outer Sleeve
Power Connector
on A2400 ‘X20 Power Harness’
Bayonet Connector
on back of X20 Console
Figure 4-3. Connecting the Power Connector
X20 Console Manual
X20 Power
Management System
Understanding the X20 Power Management
The X20 console has an intelligent Power Management system. The
purpose of the system is to protect the integrity of the Compact Flash
carrying the Windows® XP operating system, application programs
loaded, and customer data. The Power Management system monitors
the external supply voltage and also the internal battery voltage and
then makes decisions about startup and shutdown of the X20 console.
There are two Status LED's embedded in the lower right front of the
case (Figure 5-1) which indicate the status of the Power Management
system. These LED's are multi-colored and indicate a range of
External Supply
Status LED
Internal Battery
Status LED
Figure 5-1. LED’s Indicating Power Status
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Status LED’s
Left LED
The left LED (Figure 5-1 on page 5-1) is for external (vehicle)
supply information.
• RED indicates less than 10.8 Volts
• ORANGE indicates 10.8V - 11.9 Volts
• GREEN indicates above 12.0 Volts.
Right LED
The right LED (Figure 5-1 on page 5-1) is for internal battery
• RED indicates less than 9.0 Volts
• ORANGE indicates 9.0V–10.0 Volts
• GREEN indicates above 10.1 Volts.
Conditions in which the X20 Console WILL Start
The X20 console will startup with two ORANGE or two GREEN
LED's, or a combinations of these (e.g. one GREEN and one
X20 Console Manual
Conditions in which the X20 Console Will NOT
If the X20 Power button is pressed for 3 seconds, and the X20 console
will not startup the two Status LED’s will flash for 10 seconds.
If either one of the Status LED’s is displaying a RED color; the X20
Power Management system will not allow the X20 console to startup.
If one of the Status LED's is displaying a RED color, the two LED's
will flash for 10 seconds.
The Power button only requires light contact to
instruct the Power Management system to start the
X20 console. It needs to be held for 3 seconds to
enable the start sequence.
The Power button is not a power switch.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Understanding the RED Colored LED
External Supply Status
If the external supply status is displaying a RED colored Status
LED this indicates:
1. The X20 console is not connected to a good power source
• Check the Power Connector (Figure
4-3 on page 4-6) at the back of the X20 console is
connected securely
• Check the X20 Power Harness (Figure 4-2
on page 4-4) is correctly and securely connected to the
battery terminals
• Check that the fuse (Figure 4-2 on page 4-4)
on the X20 Power Harness is not missing or blown.
2. The vehicle battery supplying power to the X20 voltage is
below 10.8 Volts. Rectify the problem so that the external
supply is above 10.8 Volts.
X20 Console Manual
Internal Battery Status
If the internal battery status is displaying a RED colored Status
LED this indicates:
1. The internal battery inside the X20 console is below 9.0
Volts, and needs charging from an external supply source
The external supply Status LED must be displaying
an ORANGE or GREEN color before the internal
battery will start charging.
• If connected to an external supply source and the X20
console’s ambient temperature is between 0°Celsius(C)
and 50°C (32°F and 122°F) then the X20’s Power
Management system will allow Fast Charging of the
X20’s internal battery; when in Fast Charging mode it
will take approximately 15 minutes to charge the internal
battery sufficiently to allow startup of the X20, and
therefore change the internal battery Status LED from
The Power Button on the X20 console can then be
pressed and the X20 will startup
• If connected to an external supply source and the X20
console’s ambient temperature is below 0°C (32°F) OR
above 50°C (122°F) then the X20’s Power Management
System will NOT allow Fast Charging of the X20’s
internal battery. Instead the X20’s Power Management
will only allow Trickle Charge to the internal battery.
While in Trickle Charge mode it can take approximately
3 hours to charge the internal battery sufficiently, to allow
startup of the X20, and change the internal Status LED’s
from RED to ORANGE
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
If at any time during the charging process the X20
console’s ambient temperature falls between
0°Celsius (C) and 50°C (32°F and 122°F) then the X20’s
Power Management system will automatically change to
Fast Charging of the X20’s internal battery, thus reducing
the charging time dramatically.
LED’s and Charging the Battery
• While the X20 console is charging (either in Fast
Charge or Trickle Charge) mode then the internal
battery status (right LED) will flash once every
5 seconds
• Once the internal battery Status LED changes from
RED to ORANGE (and the external supply Status
LED is still ORANGE or GREEN) then the X20 Power
button can be pressed for 3 seconds and the X20
console will startup
• While the X20 console is in charge mode the internal
battery Status LED will still flash every 5 seconds. The
LED will flash either ORANGE or GREEN depending
on the voltage of the internal battery.
Internal Battery Charging Restrictions
Fast charge is allowed between 0°C and 50°C (32°F and 122°F).
Trickle charging is allowed below 0°C (32°F) and above 50°C
(122°F). This is a restriction and requirement of the Nickel Metal
Hydride (NiMH) battery chemistry technology.
X20 Console Manual
X20 Power Management Status LED’s
Figure 5-2 on page 5-8 shows the various states of the Status LED’s, as
displayed on the bottom right hand-side of the X20 console.
The Status LED’s will be displayed after the Power button is pressed
for 3 seconds or while the X20 console is running.
If the Power button is pressed and does not switch ON, then the Status
LED’s will flash for 10 seconds, the different reasons for this are
explained adjacent to Figure 5-2 on page 5-8.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Note: ‘EXT’ means external supply and ‘BAT’ means internal battery
Power status is normal.
External supply is equal to or above 12.0 Volts.
Internal Battery is equal to or above 10.8 Volts.
The X20 console will start.
External supply is low but acceptable.
External supply voltage is between 10.8 and 12.0
The X20 console will start.
Internal battery is low but acceptable.
Internal battery voltage is between 9.0 and 10.8
The X20 console will start.
The X20 console will not start.
External supply is below 10.8 Volts.
The LED’s will ‘flash’ for 10 seconds before turning
The X20 console will not start.
The Internal battery is below 9.0 Volts.
The LED’s will flash for 10 seconds before turning
OFF. The Internal battery LED will ‘flash’ every 5
seconds to show charging is in progress.
The X20 console will not start.
External supply and battery are good, main computer
is not responding correctly.
Both LED’s are green but flashing alternately for 10
seconds. Return to base for repair.
The X20 console will not start.
The Power Management system is not operating.
The LED’s remain blank after pressing the Power
button (for 3 seconds). Return to base for repair.
Figure 5-2. States of
the Status LED’s
X20 Console Manual
Monitoring the X20 Console, when Switched
The X20’s Power Management system continuously monitors internal
battery voltage, while the X20 console is switched OFF, and will
switch to Charge Mode if the internal battery voltage drops below 9.0
Volts and the external supply voltage is above 10.8 Volts.
While the X20 console is in Charge Mode the internal battery Status
LED will flash once every 5 seconds.
Monitoring the X20 Console, when Switched ON
If the X20 console is switched ON and the external supply drops below
10.8 Volts for more than 60 seconds (Default) an ATX shutdown will
be initiated. A software shutdown can be started before this, by the
X20 Manager software (which can be cancelled). By default, the X20
Manager software shutdown is set at 15 seconds. Therefore as long
as the X20 Manager software is running in the background and the
external supply drops below 10.8 Volts then after 15 seconds the X20
Power Manager will perform an ATX shutdown and Windows® will be
shutdown properly and all data will be saved.
If the operator overrides the X20 Manager software shutdown or the
X20 Manager is not running, then after 60 seconds if the external
supply voltage is still below 10.8 Volts then the X20’s Power
Management will commence a hardware ATX shutdown; the hardware
ATX shutdown cannot be cancelled and is designed to protect
customers data from unstable supply conditions. This shutdown is
indicated by both Status LED's flashing.
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X20 Console Manual
Switching the X20
Console ON
Turning the Power ON
The X20 console is a powerful computer system
designed for in-vehicle use and is designed to
operate at temperatures between 0°C-50°C
(32°F-122°F. The X20 console should not be
switched ON until the console is within these
temperature ranges.
You should switch the air-conditioning on in
the vehicle, to bring the X20 console within the
operating temperature ranges.
When starting the vehicle make sure the X20
console is switched OFF.
The Power button only requires light contact to
instruct the Power Management system to start the
X20 console. It needs to be held for 3 seconds to
enable the start sequence.
The Power button is not a power switch.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
1. Press and hold the Power button (Figure 2-3 on
page 2-7) located on the back of the X20 console; for 3
The X20 console will now startup and start loading the
Windows® XP operating system.
After the startup sequence has concluded:
• The Windows® desktop will be displayed
• If Topcon Precision Agriculture application software has been
preloaded from the Topcon Precision Agriculture factory, then
the Topcon Precision Agriculture Application software will be
automatically loaded and displayed.
For further information on the Topcon Precision
Agriculture Application software read the relevant
manuals which come with the respective Topcon
Precision Agriculture Application software.
If the X20 Console Will NOT Startup
If the X20 console did not startup, then one or both of the Status
LED's are possibly RED; the 2 Status LED's will flash for 10
seconds, indicating whether the external supply (left LED) or the
internal battery (right LED) is causing the X20 console not to
Refer to Chapter 5 to rectify the problem.
X20 Console Manual
Windows Desktop
Touch Screen Shortcut
Tools Folder
X20 Manager
System Tray
Task Bar
Start Button
Figure 7-1. Windows® Desktop
Figure 7-1 shows the Windows® Desktop screen, after the X20 has
started up.
Task Bar
To display the Task Bar press the screen down the bottom,
using your finger, Pen stylus (provided in the kit) or USB Mouse
(provided in the kit).
Start button
The Start button is displayed when the Task Bar is displayed.
The Start button allows access to Windows® programs and other
programs loaded on the X20 console.
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X20 Console Manual
System Tray
The System Tray is displayed when the Task Bar is displayed.
The System Tray displays programs which are running in the
X20 Manager
The X20 Manager starts automatically when the X20 console starts
When the X20 Manager is displayed in the System Tray, it means
the X20 Manager program is running in the background.
Accessing X20 Manager from the System Tray
The X20 Manager can only be accessed from the System Tray
using a mouse.
1. Display the Task Bar using the mouse
2. Place the mouse pointer over the X20 Manager icon
3. Using a right mouse click, click the X20 Manager icon
(which only shows if the X20 Manager is running)
A Menu is displayed with the following options:
Show X20 Manager- Displays the X20 Manager window
Hide X20 Manager- Hides the X20 Manager window
Close X20 Monitor- Closes the X20 Manager program
and stops the program running in the background
Please refer to Chapter 8 for more information on X20 Manager.
X20 Console Manual
X20 Manager
Accessing X20 Manager Using the X20 Logo
Press and hold the X20 logo (Figure 8-1) for 5 seconds until the X20
Manager window is displayed.
Please note: Your X20 logo may look different.
The X20 Manager window can be displayed anytime
after the Windows® operating system has started; it will
be displayed over the top of any programs running at
the time.
X20 Logo
Figure 8-1. Accessing X20 Manager
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X20 Console Manual
X20 Manager Window
The X20 Manager window will allow the operator to:
Adjust the screen brightness
Adjust the volume control of internal or external speakers
Check the status of the external power supply
Check the status of the internal battery
Change the auto-shutdown delay and enable auto-shutdown
Check the status of the Topcon logo and test the audio volume
Allow the X20 console to be shutdown from this window
Adjust the internal battery trip point voltage.
Screen Brightness %
Slide Scale
Slide Scale
Figure 8-2. X20 Manager Options
X20 Console Manual
Adjust Screen Brightness
Selecting the ‘MAX’ button (Figure 8-2 on page 8-2) adjusts the
screen brightness to the maximum (100% will be displayed).
Selecting the ‘MIN’ button (Figure 8-2 on page
8-2) adjusts the screen brightness to the minimum (0% will be
Press and slide the slide scale button (Figure 8-2 on page 8-2)
using your finger or Pen stylus, slide the button backwards and
forwards to adjust the screen brightness to your needs. The screen
brightness is displayed as a (%) between (0% to 100%).
By default there is no tick in the ‘Reverse Mode’
checkbox. If when the MAX button is selected the
screen brightness goes dull, select the ‘Reverse Mode’
using your finger or Pen stylus.
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X20 Console Manual
Adjust Audio Volume
The audio volume option adjusts the audio volume for the X20’s
internal speaker or external speaker if fitted.
Adjust the audio volume by pressing the audio slide scale button
(Figure 8-2 on page 8-2) using your finger or Pen stylus and
sliding the button up and down, as the button is moved the audio
volume is displayed as a (%) between 0% and 100%.
Where 100% represents maximum audio volume and 0% switches
the audio volume OFF.
The current audio volume can be tested by pressing the Test button
and a beep will be sounded through the X20 internal speaker or
external speaker.
Power/Battery Status
The power/battery status (Figure 8-2 on page 8-2) displays the
regulator voltage and the internal battery voltage.
Regulator voltage displays the external supply voltage; and informs
the operator whether the regulator battery voltage is either:
1. POWER GOOD (greater than 10.6 Volts)
2. FAILED (10.6 Volts or less)
Backup battery voltage displays the actual voltage of the internal
battery in the X20 console.
X20 Console Manual
Auto-Shutdown Delay
By default the ‘Enable Auto Shutdown’ is selected, (see the tick
in the box shown in Figure 8-2 on page 8-2). This allows the X20
console to perform an ATX shutdown when the regulator voltage
(external supply voltage) drops below 10.6 Volts.
The X20 Manager window will be displayed when the regulator
voltage falls below 10.6 Volts.
The time displayed in seconds (default is 10 seconds) determines
how long the X20 Manager will wait before the X20 console starts
an ATX shutdown.
The regulator voltage (external supply voltage) has to stay below
the 10.6 Volt threshold for the time delay period before the ATX
shutdown is started. If the voltage is restored above the 10.6 Volt
threshold, then the Auto-Shutdown is stopped.
The delay can be set between (1 and 10 seconds), the delay can be
set using the up and down arrows. A value higher than 10 seconds
will be overridden by the firmware which will automatically start
the ATX shutdown at 10 seconds.
The voltage can be set using the up and down arrows.
The ‘Voltage’ for ‘Regulator Voltage’ is set at 10.6 volts
and should not be changed unless instructed by a
Topcon Precision Agriculture Representative.
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X20 Console Manual
Procedure of Auto-shutdown
When the regulator battery voltage drops below 10.6 Volts:
1. The Status LED for external supply (left LED) will turn
2. The X20 Manager window will be displayed. No matter
what programs are running
3. The regulator voltage displayed will be below 10.6 Volts
and ‘POWER FAILED’ will be displayed in RED, in the
X20 Manager window
4. An audio beep will be sounded (if audio volume is turned
5. At the end of the Auto-Shutdown delay period (default 10
seconds); both Status LED's will start flashing indicating
the X20 console is shutting down, both LED's will continue
to flash while the shutdown is being performed
6. Windows® will start shutting down all ATX compliant
programs and save data, then Windows® operating system
will start shutting down and will save all data and then the
X20 console will turn OFF.
X20 Console Manual
Procedure of Auto Shutdown, When ‘Disabled’
If the ‘Enable Auto Shutdown’ is deselected (no tick in box) OR
the X20 Manager program is not running in the background then
the X20 Manager will not be activated, when the external supply
voltage drops below the 10.8 Volt threshold.
In this situation the X20 console’s Power Management ATX
hardware takes over:
1. The Status LED for the external supply (left LED) will turn
2. The default time delay for the ATX hardware is 60 seconds
3. Therefore if the external supply voltage stays below the
10.8 Volt threshold for more than 60 seconds then an ATX
Shutdown will be started
4. Once the 60 seconds has been reached then both Status
LED's will flash indicating the X20 console is shutting
5. Windows® will start shutting down all ATX compliant
programs and save data, then Windows® operating system
will start shutting down and will save all data and then the
X20 console will turn OFF.
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X20 Console Manual
Shutdown Button
When the X20 Manager window is displayed the operator can
choose to shutdown Windows® from this screen.
To shutdown Windows®:
1. Select the Shutdown button (Figure 8-2 on page 8-2).
2. In the window displayed select ‘YES’ to continue shutdown
OR ‘NO’ to cancel shutdown
If ‘YES’ is selected then Windows® will start shutting down
3. The X20 console will automatically turn OFF.
X20 Logo Pressed
When the X20 logo is pressed for 5 seconds, while the X20
Manager window is displayed, a green button will be displayed
next to the X20 button. This test determines whether the X20 Logo
is working or not.
If the X20 Logo is working correctly the button will turn green.
If the X20 Logo is not working correctly the button will stay grey.
Please note: When the X20 Logo is pressed the operator will notice
the Backup Battery Voltage will drop, this is normal.
X20 Console Manual
Hide Button
The Hide button (Figure 8-2 on page 8-2) when selected hides the
X20 Manager window.
The Hide button is used when the operator has finished making
adjustments and wants to hide the window.
The X20 Manager is still running in the background and
can still be accessed any time by pressing the X20 logo
for 5 seconds, while Windows® is running.
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X20 Console Manual
Touch Screen
The X20 console touch screen is calibrated from the Topcon Precision
Agriculture factory and under normal conditions there should be no
need to re-calibrate the touch screen.
It will become necessary to re-calibrate the screen when the screen
is being touched using your finger or Pen stylus, and the area of the
screen being touched is not been activated, but another part of the
screen is.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
To calibrate the touch screen the following steps should be taken:
It is best to use the Pen stylus supplied with the X20
console to do the calibration.
1. Double click the Touch Screen Cal, on the Windows® desktop
The PenMount screen will appear (Figure 9-1)
Standard Calibration
Figure 9-1. PenMount Screen
2. Select the Standard Calibration button (Figure 9-1)
3. A screen will be displayed (Figure 9-2)
Red Dot
Figure 9-2. Touch Screen Calibration
X20 Console Manual
4. Using the Pen stylus press and hold the Red Dot
While holding the pen on the Red Dot the screen will display
5. When the screen display changes to ‘Lift Off Display’ then lift
the pen from the screen
6. The above procedure needs to be repeated as the Red Dot
progresses around the screen in a clockwise direction (top, right,
bottom, left, centre).
7. In total you will have to touch>hold>lift the screen 5 times.
Once the screen has been touched 5 times the new calibration
settings will be saved automatically and the screen will go back
to the PenMount screen (Figure 9-1 on page 9-2)
If there is a delay of more than 10 seconds between
lifting from the screen and touching the screen again,
the PenMount screen (Figure 9-1 on page 9-2) will be
displayed and no settings will be saved.
8. Select OK to close the PenMount screen and go back to the
Windows® Desktop.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Switching the X20
Console OFF
This is the preferred way of shutting down the X20
The ATX Shutdown Process
1. Close all applications that are running, save any data if
2. The Windows Desktop will be displayed.
3. Press the Power button for 3 seconds. Both status LED’s will
flash to indicate that the shutdown is in progress.
4. X20’s Power Management will start the full ATX Shutdown,
then Windows® will start shutting down and save all settings
5. The X20 console will automatically switch OFF.
Holding down the Power button for 10 seconds
will cause an immediate shutdown and no data
will be saved. This function is not recommended
and should only be used if absolutely necessary.
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X20 Console Manual
X20 Accessories
External Speaker
• In the X20 console kit an external speaker is provided.
• With the X20 console kit an Audio Adapter Harness is provided
(Figure 11-1).
Connecting the external speaker
1. Mount the external speaker in a suitable location in the
2. Connect the 8 Pin plug on the Speaker Out Audio Harness
(H1173)to plug marked ‘A’ on the back of the X20 console.
3. Connect the other end of the Speaker Out Audio Harness to
the external speaker harness.
Figure 11-1. Audio Adaptor Harness
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
GPS Hook-Up Cable
The GPS Hook-Up cable allows connection to a DGPS serial cable,
which enables the GPS strings to be output to 2 Communications Ports
(COM Port). This enables 2 applications to be running simultaneously
on the X20 console at the same time, while using the same GPS
To connect the GPS Hook-Up cable:
1. Connect the Male 9 Pin Serial (DB9) plug of the A1901 cable,
to the DGPS Receiver’s serial cable
2. Connect 2 Female (DB9) plugs into the COM Ports on the back
of the X20 console
Please note: Depending on your X20 kit this part may not be supplied.
240 Volt Adapter (optional)
The X20 console can be powered using an optional 240/12 Volt power
pack when the X20 console is not being used in a vehicle.
The 240/12 volt power pack still connects to the same Bayonet Power
Connector on the back of the X20 console.
The part number for the 240/12 Volt Power Pack is A1098.
X20 Console Manual
Transferring Data
USB Ports
There is a USB Thumbdrive supplied with the X20 console kit.
There are 4 USB ports on the X20 console, 2 on the left side of the
console (Figure 2-2 on page 2-6) and 2 at the rear (Figure 2-3 on page
2-7). The USB Thumbdrive can be plugged into any one of the 4 USB
ports on the X20 console.
The USB Thumbdrive is used for software upgrades for the X20
console, and for transferring data to between the X20 console and other
USB Thumbdrives are very rugged and do not have multiple fine pins
as with PCMCIA or Compact Flash Cards. USB Thumbdrives are also
HOT pluggable which means they can be carefully plugged in and
removed at any time whilst the X20 console is running.
Software supplied on the CD for the Thumbdrive must
be loaded on any other PC before the Thumbdrive will
operate on that PC.
If the PC is running Windows® XP then there is no need
to load drivers as Windows® XP automatically detects
and loads the USB Thumbdrive.
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X20 Console Manual
Looking After the X20
Operating the X20 Console
1. Start the vehicle.
2. Switch the X20 console ON.
If the vehicle is left unattended for any time without
the vehicle’s air-conditioning running, the X20
console should be switched OFF.
In case of extreme temperatures the X20 console
may shutdown, should this occur, allow the X20
console to cool down to a normal operating
temperatures and then restart.
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X20 Console Manual
Cleaning the X20 Touch Screen
To prevent damage to the X20 console use only a soft cotton or
microfibre cloth to remove dust and grime.
The touch screen can easily be cleaned by using a cotton or microfibre
cloth damped with water.
Never use petroleum based products, acetone or
organic based solutions to clean the X20 console, as
this will damage both the X20 touch screen and the
Touch Screen Use
Only touch the X20’s touch screen with clean fingers (not greasy or
oily) or use the pen stylus supplied.
Never use Ballpoint pens, screwdrivers or similar
objects on the touch screen.
X20 Console Manual
Storing the X20 Console
It is important that you read and understand all of the
following notes.
• The X20 console should never be left in a vehicle if the
temperature is likely to fall below -20°C (-4°F)
• The X20 console should never be left in a vehicle if the
temperature is likely to go above 60°C (140°F)
• The X20 console should never be left so direct sunlight is exposed
to the Heat Sink Fins (Figure 1-3 on page 2-7) on the back of the
X20 console.
If any of the above conditions are likely to occur
then the X20 console should be removed from that
• Be aware that if the X20 console is left on a tractor connected to
the supply, it will draw on power from the tractor battery if
the X20 internal battery drops below 8V. This would happen
infrequently and is related to the natural discharge rate of the cells.
To stop the vehicle battery from going flat, disconnect
the X20 from the tractor battery, when not in use.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
• The best way to long-term store an X20 ready for use is switched
off and attached to a 13.8V mains adapter (optional extra) at
room temperature. This will continuously cycle the internal battery
between 8V and 10.8V. The charger will operate for twenty
minutes with the first 14.5 minutes at rapid charge followed by
7.5 minutes of pulsed top-up. The charger will switch on about
once every two weeks, but depends on the initial charge level.
This will keep the battery at about 40% charge.
Storing the X20 console in this way will give the battery
its longest possible life.
• After extended storage, and if the X20 console will not start
(battery LED is red), bring the X20 up to room temperature (above
10°C (45°F)) and connect to 13.8VDC mains adapter or connect to
tractor harness. Leave it switched off but connected, and notice
that the battery LED will start to flash green. This means that
rapid charge is in progress. The X20 console is usable after about
5 -10 minutes. This cycle will last for about 20 minutes if left. If
the battery is so discharged that the voltage is below 8V the battery
will trickle charge until the voltage rises above 8V and will then
rapid charge. This is a function of the battery chemistry, as are the
temperature limitations on charging.
• Be aware that fast charge and pulse top-up only operates in the
range 0°C (32°F) to 50°C (122°F). At temperatures outside this
range the charging process is a trickle charge only.
X20 Console Manual
Nickel-Metal Hydride
Battery Characteristics
All batteries are affected by self-discharge. This is not a defect per se,
although improper use enhances the condition. Self-discharge is not
linear; the highest loss occurs right after charge, and then tapers off.
Nickel-based batteries exhibit a relatively high self-discharge. At
ambient temperature, a new nickel-cadmium loses about 10% of its
capacity in the first 24 hours after charge. The self-discharge settles
to about 10% per month afterwards. Higher temperature increases the
self-discharge substantially. As a general guideline, the rate of self-
discharge doubles with every 10°C (18°F) increase in temperature. The
self-discharge of nickel-metal-hydride is about 30% higher than that of
The success of nickel-metal hydride has been driven by high energy
density and the use of environmentally friendly metals. The modern
nickel-metal hydride offers up to 40% higher energy density compared
to the standard nickel-cadmium. There is potential for yet higher
capacities, but not without some negative side effects.
Nickel-metal hydride is less durable than nickel-cadmium.
Cycling under heavy load and storage at high
temperature reduces the service life of the battery.
Nickel-metal hydride suffers from high self-discharge, which is higher
than that of nickel-cadmium.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Nickel-metal hydride has been replacing nickel-cadmium in markets
such as wireless communications and mobile computing. Experts agree
that nickel-metal hydride has greatly improved over the years, but
limitations remain. Most shortcomings are native to the nickel-based
technology and are shared with nickel-cadmium. It is widely accepted
that nickel-metal hydride is an interim step to lithium-based battery
Nickel-metal-hydride is less forgiving than the nickel-cadmium if
charged under high and low temperatures. Nickel-metal-hydride cannot
be fast charged below 10°C (45°F) neither can it be slow charged
below 0°C (32°F). The X20 charger is designed to adjust the charge
rate to existing temperatures. This is why this manual recommends that
the X20 is brought to room temperature before being charged after an
extended period of storage.
At higher temperatures, the charge acceptance of nickel-based batteries
is drastically reduced.
A battery that provides a capacity of 100% when
charged at moderate room temperature can only accept
70% if charged at 45°C (113°F), and 45% if charged at
60°C (140°F).
X20 Console Manual
Advantages of Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries
• 30-40% higher capacity than standard nickel-cadmium.
Nickel-metal-hydride has potential for yet higher energy densities
• Less prone to memory than nickel-cadmium - fewer exercise
cycles are required
• Simple storage and transportation - transport is not subject to
regulatory control
• Environmentally friendly - contains only mild toxins; profitable for
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Disadvantages of Nickel-Metal Hydride
• Limited service life - the performance starts to deteriorate after
200-300 cycles if repeatedly deeply cycled. Deep cycling does not
occur in normal X20 use
• Relatively short storage of three years
Cool temperature and partial charge slows battery aging
• Limited discharge current - although nickel-metal-hydride is
capable of delivering high discharge currents, heavy load reduces
the battery's cycle life. High discharge only occurs during an
emergency battery-supported shutdown of the X20
• More complex charge algorithm needed - nickel-metal-hydride
generates more heat during charge and requires slightly longer
charge times than nickel-cadmium. Trickle charge settings
are critical because the battery cannot absorb overcharge.
This is managed by the X20's microprocessor controlled power
management system
• High self-discharge - typically 50% higher than nickel-cadmium
• Performance degrades if stored at elevated temperatures-
nickel-metal-hydride should be stored in a cool place at 40%
• High maintenance - nickel-metal hydride requires regular full
discharge to prevent crystalline formation; nickel-metal-hydride
once in every 3 months. This will happen between seasons but
probably not as often as required for absolute maximum life span
X20 Console Manual
The X20 Console
The X20 has a power management system that remains active even
when the unit is switched OFF. However it uses very little standby
power, typically 600uA at 5V or 0.003W.
This management system ensures that before an X20 can be turned
on and used there is enough internal battery energy available to
successfully close the unit down in the event of the sudden and
unexpected loss of the external supply. This is designed to protect the
users data and also protect the integrity of the operating system and the
compact flash it is built on.
The internal battery is not there in order to use the X20 as a fully
mobile device and will not support this function.
Any voltage transients from vehicle start-up are also controlled by the
internal battery.
The battery packs are deep cycled at Topcon Precision Agriculture
before the X20 is dispatched.
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
X20 Console
System Software
• Windows® XP PRO SP2
• Low-power 1GHz CPU; 0°C to 60°C (32°F - 142°F) Fanless
• 2GB Industrial Flashcard
Display and Touch Screen
• 8.4” TFT Active Matric Colour
• Indoor/Outdoor display with Resistative touch screen
• SVGA 800 X 600 pixels
• 32 bit Colour
• Contrast Ratio 400:1
• Brightness 400 cd/m2
• Brightness Control via ‘X20 Manager’ software
• External XGA monitor support 1024 X 768
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
• 4 X RS232 Serial Ports
• COM 2 configurable to RS232 or RS485
• 4 X USB 2.0 Ports (2 at Rear, 2 at side)
• 1 X CANBUS Port (ISO11783)
• 1 X PS2 Mouse port
• 1 X PS2 Keyboard port
• 1 X 8 Pin Audio DIN port
• 1 X VGA Port (1280 X 1024 at 60Hz), (1024 X 760 at 85Hz)
• 1 X 10/100 Base T Ethernet Port (RJ45)
• Input Voltage 10.8- 18.0 Volts DC
• Built in protection against vehicles start up.
• Full ATX safe Shut Down
• 3 Pin MIL-C-5015 Bayonet connector
• 1.5 Watt Stereo audio amplifier
• Internal speaker
• External stereo line inputs/outputs and microphone (8 pin DIN socket)
• Size: 248mm x 188mm x 70mm (7.4 “ x 9.8” x 2.7”)
• Weight: 2.35kg (5.2 pounds)
• International Standard Mounting System (RAM® Type)
• Operating Temp: 0°C - 50°C (32°F - 122°F)
• Storage: -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
• Humidity: (0% - 90% RH, NC)
X20 Console Manual
advantages 14-3
disadvantages 14-4
service life 14-1
2 Pin Weatherpack Plug 4-5
240 Volt Adapter 11-2
Status 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 5-5, 8-4
Bayonet Power Connector 11-2
Accessories 11-1
External Speaker 11-1
GPS Hook-Up Cable 11-2
Air-conditioning 6-1, 13-1
Alarms 2-3, 2-9
Ambient Temperature 5-5, 5-6
Audio 2-3, see also Volume
Alarms 2-3
CAN Bus 2-9, 2-10
Communication Ports 2-9
COM1 2-9
COM2 2-9
COM3 2-9
COM4 2-9
Communications Regulation Infor-
mation 1-6
Contact 1-4
Beep 8-6
Port 2-9, 2-11
Audio Adapter Harness 11-1
Auto-shutdown Delay 2-5, 8-2, 8-5
Default 8-7
Contents of Kit 3-1
Mounting Kit 3-2
Data Protection 5-9
DGPS Receivers 2-9
Direct Sunlight 4-2
Battery 2-2, 4-5
Backup 8-4, 8-8
Charging 5-5, 5-6, 5-9
fast 5-5, 5-6, 13-4
trickle 5-5, 5-6, 13-4
External 2-2, 2-5, 5-2, 5-4, 5-8,
Internal 2-2, 2-8, 5-2, 5-5, 5-8,
6-2, 14-5
Extreme Temperatures 2-3, 13-1
GPS Hook-Up Cable 11-2
Trip Point Voltage 8-2
Nickel-Metal Hydride 5-6, 14-1
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Holder 2-4
Positioning 4-2
Power 2-2, 6-1
240 Volt Adapter 11-2
Button 2-2, 2-7, 2-8, 5-3, 5-5,
5-7, 6-1, 6-2, 10-1
holding 10-1
Heat Resistance 2-6
Heat Sink Fins 2-7, 2-8
Hide Button 8-2, 8-9
Industrial Flashcard 2-2
Installing 4-1
Consumption 2-6
Draw 13-3
External Supply 2-8
Failed 8-4, 8-6
Good 8-4
Keyboard 2-3, 2-7
Port 2-9, 2-10
Status 8-2, 8-4
Switch 5-3, 6-1
Temperature 6-1
Will NOT Start 5-3, 6-2
Power Connector 2-7, 2-8, 4-6, 5-4
Connecting 4-6
LAN Port 2-9, 2-11
Power Harness 4-4, 5-4
Additional Earth 4-5
Black Wire 4-5
Fitting 4-4
Layout 4-4
Red Wire 4-5
Power Management 2-2, 5-1, 5-9,
Microsoft Windows XP PRO SP2
2-5, see also Operating
Mounting 4-2
RAM Base 4-2
RAM Rail Mount 4-3
Mouse 2-3, 2-7, 7-1
Port 2-9, 2-10
Printers 2-7
Processor Speed 2-2
Protection 2-2
Night Work 2-3
RAM 2-2
RAM Base 4-1
RAM Mount 2-7, 2-8, 4-1
Using 4-3
Red Dot 9-2, 9-3
Reset Button 2-7, 2-8
Operating System 2-2, 2-4, 2-5, 6-2
Operating Temperature 2-8, 13-1
Pen Stylus 2-4, 7-1, 9-3
X20 Console Manual
Warning 2-8
Start Button 7-1
RS232 Communications 2-9
RS485 Communications 2-9
Status LED’s 2-2, 2-4, 2-5, 5-1, 5-7
Flash 5-6, 5-7, 5-9, 6-2, 8-6, 8-7
Green 2-5, 5-2, 5-6
Left 2-5, 5-2
Orange 2-5, 5-2, 5-5, 5-6
Red 2-5, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 6-2,
8-6, 8-7
Save 10-1
Screen 2-2
Brightness 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 8-2, 8-3
Reverse Mode 8-3
Calibration 2-3, 9-1
Re-calibrate 9-1, 9-2
Cleaning 2-3 see also X20 console
Dimmed 2-3, 2-4
Glass Backing 2-3
LCD 2-3
Right 2-5, 5-2
States 5-8
SVGA 2-2
System Tray 7-1, 7-2
Task Bar 7-1, 7-2
Terms and Conditions 1-1
Application 1-1
Resolution 2-3
Touch 2-4
Copyright 1-1
Use 13-2
Safety 1-2
Visibility 2-3
Statements 1-2
Service Information 1-5
Shutting Down 2-2, 2-5, 8-2, 10-1
ATX 5-9, 8-5, 10-1
cancel 5-9
delay 8-5
wait 8-5
Button 8-8
Trademarks 1-2
Website 1-2
Tools Folder 7-1
Topcon Logo 2-5, 8-2
Touch Screen Cal. 9-2
Touch Screen Shortcut 7-1
Transferring Data 12-1
Procedure of Auto-Shutdown 8-6,
Software 6-2
Preloaded 6-2
Speaker 2-3
USB 12-1
USB ports 2-3, 2-9, 2-10, 12-1
External 2-3, 2-11, 8-2, 11-1
Connecting 11-1
Internal 2-3, 2-7, 2-9, 8-2
Using 2-4
VGA Port 2-9, 2-11
Volume 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 2-11, 8-2,
Standard Calibration Button 9-2
Adjusting 8-4
W106 Rev 1.5
X20 Console Manual
Test 8-2
Testing 8-4
touch screen 15-1
Storing 13-3
extended 13-4
X20 Logo 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 8-1,
8-8, 8-9
Green 8-8
Warranty 1-2
Disclaimer 1-3
Electronic 1-2
Grey 8-8
X20 Manager 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 2-11,
7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2
Accessing 7-2
Indemnity 1-3
Liability Limit 1-3
Mechanical Component 1-2
Repair 1-2
Software Shutdown 5-9
Return 1-2
Windows 4-2
Windows Desktop 6-2, 7-1, 10-1
Windows Programs 7-1
X20 Console 2-4, 14-5
Cleaning 13-2
Front 2-4
Looking After 13-1 see also X20
Console Cleaning
Monitoring 5-9
Rear 2-7
external ports 2-7, 2-9
Side 2-6
housing 2-6
USB ports 2-6, 2-7
Specifications 15-1
audio 15-2
dimensions 15-2
display 15-1
environmental 15-2
interfaces 15-2
power 15-2
processing 15-1
system software 15-1
X20 Console Manual
W106 Rev 1.5
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