What Do I Do First?
► If any city names on the list include a symbol (punctuation,
letter with accents, etc.), the sym button will be active. Tap the
sym button to switch the keypad from letters to symbols.
► If any city names include a number, the 123 button will be
active. Tap the 123 button to switch from letters to numbers.
► To switch back to letters, tap the abc button.
► Tap the ok button when you are finished.
5) When you tap ok (or if there are 5 or fewer city names that start
with the letters you typed), the device goes to the Select City
Name screen. Just tap the name of the city you want.
6) Enter the street name using the same process you used to
enter the city name. When the device shows the Select Street
Name screen, tap the name of the street you want.
Enter numbered streets as numerals plus abbreviation
(1ST, 2ND, 3RD, etc.) instead of spelling out the word
(First, Second, Third, etc.).
7) Enter the address number (if you are entering an address) or
the second street name (if you are entering an intersection).
Use the same process you used to enter the city and the street
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