FOREWORD. .................................................................................4
1. Congratulations! ........................................................................ 4
2. VENTURE AUDIO........................................................................ 4
3. V100A Reference ....................................................................... 5
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS................................................................6
III. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................7
1. Unpacking................................................................................. 7
2. Positioning ................................................................................ 7
DESCRIPTION OF APPLIANCE ELEMENTS .....................................8
1. Front Panel ............................................................................... 8
2. Rear Panel ................................................................................ 8
OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................9
1. Power Switch............................................................................. 9
2. Operations ................................................................................ 9
3. Security.................................................................................. 10
4. Cleaning ................................................................................. 11
SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................12
VII. WARRANTY ................................................................................13
1. Duration ................................................................................. 13
2. Conditions............................................................................... 13
3. Miscellaneous .......................................................................... 13
VIII. FAQ ............................................................................................14
You just purchase the V100A Reference Class A mono block Solid State amplifier.
VENTURE AUDIO first wants to thank you for your trust.
The best components were hand selected and tested for its realization, as an ex-
treme care was provided during its manufacturing. These attentions will permit
to reach utmost listening pleasure with live performance satisfaction.
Used in conjunction with highest quality components - both V100A Reference are
at their best with the VP100 Reference preamplifier, you can feel confident that all
the recorded musical emotion will be played back to you.
Established in 1987 VENTURE started with the production of Car speakers fol-
lowed by Home High End speakers and cables.
In 1998 the first Tube Amplifier VENTURE REFERENCE ONE, a Single Ended mono
block amplifier designed with special designed high power 300B tube family Ven-
ture 6300B, was born, and followed by its brother REFERENCE S-ONE a stereo
version of the mono block. Both amplifiers was design to produce 25 watts out-
To full fill the desire for Live Performance, a higher power is necessary and a
solid state 100 watts Class A amplifier was designed together with the preampli-
fier to achieve the aim. The preamplifier is design as a complete set for the high-
est demand today’s music lovers in their music world of analogue and digital
Both MC and MM phono stage is integrated in the system to achieve the highest
quality for the vinyl analogue play back. Further a double subwoofer outputs are
provided which enable the system to be used as a 2.1 or 2.2 system.
Four single ended and four balanced line inputs with individually adjustable gain
are provided and makes the system unique.
No wish is left behind.
3. V100A Reference
VENTURE AUDIO is proud to present its brand new electronic products, the
V100A Reference amplifier.
V100A Reference offers thanks to its CLASS A and its mono design, an
unleashed live performance listening pleasure, with an even more fruited and
carnal sound.
Its transparency and its dynamic are set for beyond common levels, and will al-
low you to drive any loudspeaker. V100A Reference’s multiple self-inductances
filtered power-supplies will permit to obtain an exceptional signal-to-noise
VP100 Reference Preamplifier remote control will toggle V100A Reference in nor-
mal operational or stand-by mode, to allow an immediate access to its highest
level of musicality without any warm-up time as required at first power-on (8
Before operating your VENTURE AUDIO appliance, please read
all instructions and cautions carefully and completely.
1. Always disconnect your entire system from AC mains before connecting or
disconnecting ant cables, or when cleaning any components.
2. Always use a three-conductor AC mains power cord which includes an earth
ground connection must be used. To prevent shock hazard, all three connec-
tions must be used.
3. Never use flammable or combustible chemicals for cleaning.
4. Never operate this product with removed cover.
5. Never wet the inside of this product with any kind of liquid.
6. Never pour or spill liquids directly onto this unit.
7. Never block air flow through ventilation slots or heat-sinks.
8. Never bypass any fuse.
9. Never replace any fuse with value or type other than those specified.
10. Never attempt to repair this product: contact your retailer.
11. Never expose this product to extremely high or low temperature.
12. Always unplug sensitive electronic equipment during lightning.
1. Unpacking
Your package contains:
A V100A Reference mono Class A amplifier.
A main power cord
This user manual.
We advise to use the V100A Reference amplifier with VENTURE VP100 Reference
preamplifier. We will refer to this preamplifier RC5 remote control in this manual,
mainly concerning the power blocks Stand-By mode.
2. Positioning
Your V100A Reference amplifier must be installed in a place about 20 cm away
from the other appliance. This will guarantee the best signal-to-noise ratio.
You must keep about 20 cm of free space above the amplifier chassis, to allow
proper heat dissipation.
Height and positioning within your furniture must be thought in a manner, where
the angle with the remote control will not exceed 40 degree in both horizontal
and vertical axis.
Advise of use:
It is advised to lay the amplifier on an equipment platform on the floor.
Description of appliance elements
1. Front Panel
ON (green)/STAND-BY (red)/OFF LED
2. Rear Panel
(1) (2) (3)
(1) BNC output for stand-by mode
(5) RCA mono input
(2) Stand-by mode selector auto or manual
(3) BNC input for stand-by mode
(4) Input selector XLR (balanced)
Or RCA (unbalanced)
(6) XLR mono input
(7) Security warning LED
(default OFF)
(8) Main power cord and fuse
(9) ON/OFF power switch
(10) Speaker mono output
Operation Instructions
1. Power Switch
After having connected the input to the preamplifier and the output to the
speaker, V100A Reference amplifier can be switched on using the power switch
located on the rear panel.
If you own a VP100 Reference preamplifier, connect the BNC stand-by cable from
the preamplifier to an V100A Reference amplifier BNC input, then connect the
BNC output of this same block to the BNC input of the other channel amplifier.
Your stand-by mode can now be activated.
It is advised not to switch off the V100A Reference, to fully and instantly benefit
from its maximum musical quality. However, if you are meant to keep away for a
long time (as for holidays), or in the case of any storm risk, it is considered safe
to switch the appliance off, with the rest of your Hi-Fi elements.
2. Operations
Stand-by mode is accessible from the remote control of the VP100 Reference pre-
amplifier, or using the stand-by switch at the back. Let this switch on the auto
position if you own the VP100 Reference preamplifier. Stand-by mode allows to
reduce dramatically the energy consumption of the appliance. Once awoken
(disabling the stand-by mode), the amplifier will provide its optimum musical
quality after only 15 minutes, whereas the first operation will require more than
4 hours of warm-up (as will require any main switch-on) to reach this same
level. An amplifier under stand-by mode has its front LED lighted in RED, while
GREEN in normal mode.
At first power-on, some light buzzing sound may be heard for about a
minute within the speakers. This is due to the current initialization
within the circuits.
The V100A Reference mono block offers 2 inputs (1 unbalanced RCA and 1 bal-
anced XLR). The choice of the input is made using a switch (2-positions selector)
at the rear of the appliance.
The “unbalanced” position correspond to the RCA “Cinch” input.
The “balanced” position correspond to the XLR input.
VENTURE AUDIO appliances are designed to operate in a perfect reliable and du-
rable condition. This operation can however be influenced by external events.
Some of them will require the action of the inner V100A Reference security sys-
This security system aims at protect the appliance from any over-voltage, for in-
stance, as they also act to protect the whole Hi-Fi elements under the amplifier
« responsibility ». Speakers for instance are this way protected from DC offset,
often issued by source components such as CD players ; once amplified, they
can cause irreversible damages.
Once activated, the security system cuts the general power-supply of the appli-
ance, and the back red security LED lights on. Please correct the problem (be it a
DC offset for instance) before switching the appliance off. Then switch the appli-
ance back on after a few seconds. If the issue was external and is now fixed, the
amplifier will operate normally, and the security LED will be off.
A fuse is placed within an AC plug socket to protect the appliance against mains
AC over voltage. Please, only replace the fuse with the same one, as described
hereunder. In case of difficulties to find these fuses, please contact us.
Another fuse is placed within the amplifier to protect the appliance against loud-
speakers wire shortcuts, or an excessive current output (for instance while using
too low impedance speakers). In this case, please check and fix any problem and
replace the fuse. Please, only replace the fuse with the same one, as described
hereunder. In case of difficulties to find these fuses, please contact us.
A last security system has been set to protect the appliance against thermal run-
aways. It forces the appliance to stand-by mode until it cools down to the proper
temperature (front LED red). You can quicken the cooling by switching the appli-
ance off.
For more information on the reasons of security system calls, please refer to the
associated table within the « questions and answers » chapter.
At last, it is important to underline that these are exceptional cases, which never
occur under normal conditions and good quality Hi-Fi elements (this implies that
normal conditions do not call the security system and consequently do not re-
quire fuse changes).
A 5A (ST) slow fuse is used on the mains socket base (for 230V)
A 8A (ST) slow fuse is used on the mains socket base (for 100-120V)
A 8A (F) fast fuse is placed on the speakers output.
V100A Reference amplifier was designed to operate perfectly with no specific set-
ting or maintenance for a large number of years.
In case of dust removal, plainly process using a clean dry rag. In case of a dirty
mark, DO NOT use any detergent or solvent, but use a clean wet rag.
NEVER clean any appliance while in operation.
Nominal power:
50W Class A / 4 Ohms
100W Class A / 8 Ohms
200w 4 Ohms
Intermodulation Distortion (square wave):
Input Impedance:
Harmonic Distortion:
Signal-to-Noise ratio:
Damping factor:
< 0,05%
10 K Ohms
< 0,05%
> 110dB
1 XLR input
1 RCA input
0 à 150.000 Hz
< 2,5µs
Rise time:
483 x 150 x 540 mm
28 Kg / 62 lbs
1. Duration
VENTURE AUDIO products are warranted to be free of defects if used under nor-
mal conditions for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase.
2. Conditions
This warranty is subject to the following conditions and limitations. The warranty
is void and inapplicable if the product has been used or handled other than in ac-
cordance with the instructions in the owner’s manual, abused or misused, dam-
aged by accident or neglect or in being transported, or if the defect is due to the
product being repaired or tampered with or modified by anyone other than VEN-
TURE AUDIO or an authorized repair center, or in case of removal, defacing or fal-
sifying of the serial numbers.
3. Miscellaneous
Any implied warranties relating to the above product shall be limited to the dura-
tion of this warranty. The warranty does not extend to any incidental or conse-
quential costs or damages to the purchaser.
What difference between VENTURE and standard stand-by mode?
VENTURE stand-by mode does not switch off fully the appliance. Only the
power stages are shut-off. They are the main current consumers. The heart
of the amplifier stays warm and operational. This allows to get the full musi-
cal quality back in about 10 to 15 minutes after waking the appliance back
up. A standard switch-on of the appliance requires about 8 hours to get that
same level back. The current consumption is divided by about 10 in stand-
by mode. VENTURE however recommends to switch the appliance fully off
when leaving it unused for long periods (holidays…).
Can the provided mains cable be changed?
Provided mains cable answers to standard norms. It can however be re-
placed by a high fidelity mains cable, if it answers to the same norms. A
very sensitive musical gain can be heard, depending on the chosen cable.
VENTURE AUDIO can help you in making this choice if it is your will. Cau-
tion. When changing this cable, please follow the polarity conditions of your
country. Phase location is different for instance between US and French
norms. While it would not prevent the appliance to operate, a sensitive loss
could be heard (sound laid back).
Is there any specific order to switch my Hi-Fi elements on?
Absolutely. While it is not specific to VENTURE products. Always switch on
the source elements first: they sometimes emit a spark at switch on, and
this must not be amplified and pushed to the speakers. Then follow down
the elements. We provide hereunder an example of a switch-on chain: CD
player, decoder (DAC), preamplifier active crossovers, then amplifiers.
To switch off, please follow the reverse order.
Is there any specific order to switch my Hi-Fi elements off?
Absolutely. While it is not specific to VENTURE products. Always switch off
the source elements last: they sometimes emit a spark at switch off, and
this must not be amplified and pushed to the speakers. Start from the bot-
tom, then follow up to the source elements. We provide hereunder an ex-
ample of a switch-off chain: amplifiers, active crossovers, preamplifier, de-
coder (DAC), CD player.
To switch on, please follow the reverse order
Heat dissipaters are very hot? Is it dangerous?
VENTURE products aim at get the maximum from all internal components.
Heat dissipaters are pushed to their optimum to guarantee a maximal class
A operation, as it means excellence in musical quality. However, VENTURE
products follow security norms and do not push the heat beyond legal limits.
There is consequently no excessive heat: contact is hot, but do not get
warmer with time (once appliance is considered warm). Also, heat regula-
tors are used to prevent any thermal runaway and this way protect the ap-
pliance. This inevitably limits the level of class A at high volumes.
What specific handling instructions for VENTURE appliances?
See “Operation instructions”.
Please note however, that it is always safe to switch off and unplug all
mains cables before handling any cable from the system, being intercon-
nects, mains, speakers, or digital. This caution is not specific to VENTURE
Also, please allow 30 seconds (mainly to the power appliances) before un-
plugging the cables. This will let the capacitors to empty themselves
smoothly (no spark effect).
These cautions are not simply an instruction manual chapter. Many prob-
lems and failures can really this easy be avoided (ground short-cuts, sparks
on appliances…).
The appliance does not switch on. No sound comes out. What can I do ?
This is a vague question. We can only provide some clues to help you check
the main issues. Please check this list before contacting us.
1. Check your house mains alimentation
2. Check that your mains cable is connected to a wall-outlet (AC ali-
3. Check that your mains cable is connected to the V100A Reference inlet
4. Check that your appliance voltage is compliant with your domestic one
5. Check that the rear switch is set to ON
6. Check that your amplifiers are ON
7. Check that the preamplifier/amplifier are not in stand-by mode
8. Check that the remote control is operating (with right AAA batteries) to
have your appliance waken up from the stand-by mode (if it was)
9. Check that source elements are ON (CD player…)
10. Check that source elements are connected to an INPUT plug on your
11. Check that you selected that ACTIVE input
12. Check that your preamplifier and amplifiers are rightly connected
(eventually through active crossovers)
13. Check that your active crossovers (if any) are ON
14. Check that your speakers are connected to the amplifier. This check
concerns every pair if you use multi-wiring. Also check the cables on
your speaker and crossover ports.
15. Check that the appliance is not OFF due to the security-system. Unplug
all, and switch it back on once you have changed the faulty fuse.
What are the security system-call causes ?
See security chapter for more explanations.
Comment / solution
system al
Over-tension (mains
Rare. Change the fuse. Unplug and
switch back on.
DC offset input
Generally comes out source elements
such as CD players. Unplug all cables
but AC mains. Switch the appliance
back on. It must operate perfectly
alone. In that case, have your faulty
element fixed/repaired accordingly.
If the security LED stays on, while the
amplifier is only connected to AC mains
(with input XLR/RCA disconnected),
this indicates an internal failure. Please
contact your servicing contact point.
Appliance internal failure
Shortcut on speakers
(or) X
The appliance alone does not operate.
Check if heat dissipaters are abnor-
mally hot.
Contact us
No output sound, or very low one,
which can sound bad while the appli-
ance is ON and the display is Normal.
Check the wiring and components
Replace the fuse
Output overload
No output sound, or very low one,
which can sound bad while the appli-
ance is ON and the display is Normal.
A too loud volume on low-impedance
speakers can result in such an over-
Replace the fuse
Thermal runaway
The amplifier puts itself in stand-by
mode (front LED red) if overheating.
Stop all music, and wait for the ampli-
fier to cool down. It will turn back to
normal operation (front LED green)
once the proper heat is reached. You
can switch it off to quicken the cooling.
VENTURE b.v.b.a.
Hanendreef 23
2930 Brasschaat
Phone: +32 (03) 6530732
Fax: +32 (03) 6531349
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